Why RentOnCloud
A founder's story
On seeing a clear gap in the market, I lost my confidence in being a renter in the past, and now that I am a Landlord currently, I have never regained that confidence as well. Renters are usually afraid of dealing with private landlords because of less confidence and management issues. Most of the free listed public websites do not do vetting of private landlords, thus resulting in rental frauds and rogue landlords.
As a landlord, I used professional services, and this made me pay a high amount of fees to the high-street agency. I was not even able to talk directly with my prospective tenants due to their terms of business. Besides, I was forced to pay a premium fee for tenant referencing, inventory check-in/out, and other various fees, including high mark-up charges for property maintenance tasks, carried out by the agency's traders. I was unable to make my own choice of property traders on an open marketplace and manage seamlessly.
Further, there were always additional costs to pay for accounting and tax reporting whenever I managed my property as a buy-to-let SPV Limited company landlord. To solve the problem, I decided to build one source of an online technology platform that could automate most of the tasks and enable effective communication & management by a user community made of renters, landlord & Tradesman.
----"Rajiv Singh, Founder & Product designer" ------